
Choosing the right Plastic Surgeon by Dr James Southwell-Keely from Woollarha Health & Beauty

Choosing the right Plastic Surgeon by Dr James Southwell-Keely from Woollarha Health & Beauty

Here are 5 top tips from one of Sydney’s leading Plastic Surgeons. Watch this now If you are seriously considering surgery you need to check your Plastic Surgeon is fully qualified, a member of the right Australian medical associations, is associated with major public & private hospitals. All these qualifications ensure you are in the safest of hands.

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Welcome to Woollahra Health and Beauty

The team here at Woollahra Health and Beauty would like to advise you that this site contains adult content. Dr James Southwell-Keely is FRACS qualified and a member of ASPS. If you would like to see him, please obtain a referral from your GP. All website imagery is patient specific. Results of plastic surgery vary from patient to patient.